Academic Programs
King's Academy offers two academic programs, in Arabic and English. Students aged 12 to 16 (in the case of Arabic, aged 9 to 18) who are interested in improving their skills in these areas can participate in one of these two or four-week academic programs taught by King’s Academy faculty.
Students are placed in small classes based on their prior language or skill level, ensuring their instruction is at an appropriate level and that students receive individualized attention. In addition to an average of five daily hours of instruction in the subject they choose, students are assigned homework to reinforce their in-class work.
The academic programs also include weekly trips. Once a week, students enrolled in these programs take a fun and educational trip to various places including museums, historic cities, and an open bus tour. These trips offer students the opportunity to communicate with locals in the language they are learning, learn about Jordan’s fascinating history and culture, and enjoy learning experiences that are off campus and outside of the classroom.