Student Services
Health Services
The Ras Al Asad Health Center is staffed by a full-time medical doctor and four nurses enabling King’s to provide health care services for its students and all its community members 24 hours a day/seven days a week.
With a four-bed inpatient facility and a busy outpatient clinic, the Health Center is well-equipped to handle illnesses and injuries. In addition to the routine and minor surgical services offered at the center, King’s has strong affiliations with hospitals and clinics in Madaba and in Amman should there be a need for more specialized services.
Our full-time athletic trainer provides professional guidance and services to students, and works closely with the school’s physician and local orthopedists.
Counseling Services
Helping students to balance their lives is part of King’s Academy’s guiding principles. In an effort to foster resilience and wellness, our two full-time counselors aim to provide support beyond the individual level, where they follow a holistic approach to promote a healthy lifestyle. The wellness spaces, located in the library upstairs, have two primary roles: to serve the individual psychological needs of students and to foster the psychological health and well-being of the King’s Academy community. Services include individual and group counseling, extracurricular wellness activities and campaigns, wellness classes, psycho-education, consultation services to parents, teachers and departments, and referrals to outside mental health services or professionals. Some of the counseling initiatives include the peer counseling program, the Freedom from Chemical Dependency campaign, and the advising program at King’s Academy.
The Academy’s main switchboard is accessible 24 hours a day.
All King’s Academy students are provided with a King’s Academy email account. The campus is equipped with high-speed wireless internet. Student mobile telephone usage is permitted only at the appropriate time and place, such as in the Student Union, in the dormitories or when leaving campus for excursions. All students may use their mobile telephones in the Student Union and boarding students may use them in the dormitories or when leaving campus for excursions.
Spiritual Center
Intellectual freedom and religious tolerance define any vital and diverse academic community. Students and faculty are encouraged to deepen their knowledge and understanding of the role of religion in culture and to address how individual religious views are informed by the obligations of being a responsible member of King's Academy and the world.
All students have access to the King Abdullah II Spiritual Center, a multi-faith house of prayer and meditation located on campus to accommodate the spiritual needs of a diverse religious community. The Spiritual Center welcomes people from all backgrounds: people of faith from around the world, those who are searching for spiritual meaning, individuals who have no explicit religious conviction and practitioners of faith from every denomination.
King's Academy also arranges weekly visits for those students wishing to attend prayers and services at local mosques or churches.
Other Services
King’s Academy offers several additional services for student convenience including banking facilities, post office, laundry service and summer storage facilities. In addition, the Student Union houses a general student lounge, a senior lounge and a small cafeteria (Al Kaziyeh), where students can have a snack and socialize. Students can also purchase King’s Academy branded merchandise from the official on-campus emporium (Al Dukkaneh) located in the lobby of the Al-Sabah Administration Center or the school’s online store.