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Round Square International Conference 2014

Close to 400 student and adult delegates from 53 schools across the globe traveled to Jordan in October 2014 to attend the Round Square International Conference, which was hosted at King’s Academy.

Delegates traveled to King’s, the first Arab school to gain full membership in Round Square back in 2010, from the United Arab Emirates, India, South Korea, Singapore, Australia, South Africa, Kenya, Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom and Switzerland, among other countries.

Under the theme of “Al Salamu Alaikum” (Peace Be With You), the conference program included a diverse selection of keynote speeches, stimulating barazza discussions, adventure trips to Petra, Shobak Castle and the Dead Sea, as well as a selection of 26 different service projects that took place both on and off campus throughout the week.

Read more about RSIC 2014: