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Tel: +962 6 430 0230 ext. 1032

Summer Exchanges Immerse King’s Students in Global Cultures

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Round Square

Round Square is a world-wide network of 200 like-minded innovative schools in 50 countries across six continents sharing unique and ambitious goals. Students attending Round Square schools make a strong commitment, beyond academic excellence, to personal development and responsibility. This is achieved by participating in community service, work projects, exchange programs and adventuring, which can, and often does, take students half way around the world.

Round Square schools collaborate on a holistic approach to learning that is built around six IDEALS: Internationalism, Democracy, Environmental Stewardship, Adventure, Leadership and Service. These IDEALS are the spirit of Round Square, areas where learning and mastery are essential in order to build a better future. Underpinning the IDEALS are 12 Discoveries: Communication Skills, Sense of Responsibility, Inquisitiveness, Commitment to Sustainability, Ability to Solve Problems, Tenacity, Courage, Inventiveness, Self-Awareness, Compassion, Teamwork Skills and Appreciation of Diversity. Discoveries are traits, attributes and skills that students discover within themselves, develop and hone throughout their journey at King’s, with the aim of graduating well-rounded, ethical leaders of the future.

Round Square IDEALS

King's and Round Square

Since becoming the first Arab school to gain full membership status in the global Round Square organization in 2010, King’s has been an active member, coordinating multiple regional service projects and conferences, participating in various international events and activities, as well as receiving and sending students on exchange, in addition to many other collaborations with local, regional and international schools. In October 2014, King’s co-hosted the Round Square International Conference with Sanskaar Valley School in India, at which hundreds of students and educators from schools across the globe participated.

Click here to see how King's Academy puts Round Square IDEALS in action!