Neuroscience students present research on drugs of addiction

This week, students of neuroscience presented their research on drugs of addiction through a virtual educational forum. Each student created a website about their assigned drug, after which they presented on the history of the drug, how and where the drug binds in the brain, which neurotransmitters are affected, and how the drug is addictive.

“I am so proud of how well my students did in their presentations,” says faculty member Ryan Taylor. “I really like this project because it gives the students a chance to dive into something that has a lot of intrinsic interest: drugs. They research the effects on the body and brain, learn the mechanism of addiction, and become experts in the field.”

The highlight of the project was the opportunity for students to share their knowledge with their peers and faculty, according to Taylor. “I think it is very powerful when students teach each other about challenging topics, and I believe the best way to fight addiction is to educate others about it.”


Photo: In this photo taken last semester, the neuroscience class conducts a “super taster” experiment.

  • Neuroscience