Exactly a year ago, give or take a few days, I visited King’s Academy for the first time. I arrived as a candidate for the headship, and after several days on campus and a multitude of meetings and interviews, I returned to the United States with a head full of ideas and a heart full of gratitude. Ideas about what is next for King’s and gratitude for the opportunity to serve as King’s fourth head of school.
– Penny Townsend
Click on the cover photo to view the full report in magazine format.
Board of Trustees
It is my honor and pride to share with you the remarkable generosity that has been extended to King’s Academy by you, our kind and giving supporters, to sustain our mission and maintain our promise of academic excellence.
Exactly a year ago, give or take a few days, I visited King’s Academy for the first time.
Every August, the Advancement Office hosts a special reception for all international families.
An Interview with Ali and Rasha Farouki P'27, P'29
A strong and enduring fiscal foundation starts with increasing annual unrestricted support for King’s Academy.