King’s Academy is a not-for-profit school driven by its mission. The founding vision of His Majesty for King’s as a school of peace and transformation is at the heart of our own belief in young people as our greatest resource — and hope — for the future.
What students say about King’s Academy
Alumni Voices
I wouldn’t be where I am today if it weren’t for King’s.
Noor Eddin Amer ‘12
MIT, Google, Oracle and Facebook
Why support King's Academy?
With 49 percent of students receiving need-based financial assistance, King’s Academy’s commitment to educational opportunity is unprecedented. Few schools in the Middle East — indeed, few schools in the world — share this commitment.
When you give to King’s Academy, you become a partner in a unique undertaking of global significance: we have one of the world’s most ethnically and socioeconomically diverse student bodies, learning in an environment that is a blend of the best traditions from both East and West.