Best Friends/Worst Enemies: Friendship Development, Popularity and Social Cruelty in Childhood

As part of its Professional Development Series in Teaching and Learning, King’s Academy has the pleasure to invite Jordan’s educators to attend a special, one-day workshop conducted by renowned author and international speaker Michael Thompson, Ph.D., entitled:

Best Friends/Worst Enemies: Friendship Development, Popularity and Social Cruelty in Childhood

Social cruelty among kids is one of the most difficult things that adults have to confront in raising or educating children. Experienced teachers can be confused about how to protect a child in class, for fear of putting a rejected or controversial child in “the limelight.” They can also feel defensive when parents of neglected or victimized children come to the school for help.

This presentation walks teachers and parents through the complex social world of childhood and addresses a number of relevant questions. Dr. Thompson will draw on research to highlight the differences between friendship and popularity. He makes suggestions about the management of social problems in schools and makes the case that while all children yearn for popularity, it is friendship that helps children survive and thrive.

Dr. Thompson has lectured at educational conferences across five continents and has held professional development workshops on topics ranging from the social and psychological development of children to school culture and parent-teacher relationships. In addition to serving as a consultant to teachers, parents and students at hundreds of schools across the globe, Dr. Thompson has written a collection of insightful books, including The New York Times best-selling Raising Cain: Protecting the Emotional Life of Boys. He has also appeared on various television programs in the United States including The Today Show, The Oprah Winfrey Show and Good Morning America.

What: One-day workshop by renowned author and speaker Michael Thompson, Ph.D.

Where: King’s Academy campus, Madaba-Manja

When: Saturday, September 20, 2014 from 09:00 to 15:30 (buffet lunch included)

Who: Workshop is open to school heads, heads of departments, teachers, counselors and administrators

Cost: 100 JD/person; schools registering three or more persons get a 25 percent discount (75 JD/person)

Registration deadline: September 7, 2014

Note: The workshop will be conducted in English.

For more information about the author and the book, click here

If you have any questions, please email Director of External Affairs and Parent Relations or call 06 430 0230 ext. 1016.