Arabic Year
Arabic Year at King’s Academy (AY) offers high school students and recent graduates the opportunity for short-term enrollment at King’s Academy, where they take a combination of specialized courses in Arabic language, history and culture, along with Advanced Placement (AP) courses in science, world languages, mathematics, English and the arts.
The goal of AY is to allow students to make substantial progress in Arabic language study, soak in the history and culture of the Middle East and “learn by doing” through off-campus educational excursions in Jordan and the region. The program welcomes students whose main interest is Arabic fluency, as well as students seeking the cultural and educational benefits of living and learning in a different part of the world.
What people have to say about Arabic Year
If you are searching for a life-changing experience that will broaden your horizons and shape you as a person, don’t let this once in a lifetime opportunity pass!
Louisa Pilhatsch AY'20
The program is designed for students in grades 10 through 12 (as well as post-graduate students) who want to learn Arabic and explore the history, politics and culture of a vital part of the world.
Why enroll in Arabic Year?
Watch three videos that answer this question.