Contact Admissions



tel +962 6 430 0230 ext. 1112
mob +962 77 049 0826 (this is also a Whatsapp number)

Note: Working hours at the Office of Admissions are 08:00 to 16:00 Sunday through Thursday.

Tuition and Financial Aid

King's can be your home too!

King's Academy is committed to attracting a talented, socio-economically diverse student body. The school offers financial assistance to families who demonstrate need. Some 49% percent of our student body receives need-based financial aid and 7.5 million dollars of aid was awarded in 2023-2024. King's encourages any family in need of financial assistance to apply for financial aid

What Does Tuition Include?

  • Meals
  • Accommodation for boarding students
  • Access to all athletic facilities
  • Textbooks, lab equipment and lab materials
  • Activities for boarding students
  • Health Center fee
  • Required school trips within Jordan
  • Health insurance for boarders 
  • One school uniform (blazer*, tie, sweater)

*Blazers are returned at the end of each year.

I wouldn’t be where I am today if it weren’t for King’s, I wouldn’t speak English if it weren’t for King’s. I wouldn’t know so much about the world that I know now if it weren’t for King’s. All of that wouldn’t have happened if there wasn’t financial support for me at King’s Academy.

Nour Eddin Amer, Class of 2012
Massachusetts Institute of Technology